Magical Practice Part 1 Foundation

(1 customer review)


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To fully comprehend, understand, and over-stand this little book, you will need to have already read, Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon, and have digested the information contained therein, the great work of initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon is a universal initiating system, it is a complete system of initiation in itself, in the days before the internet, it was much harder to source, and find all the books that Bardon had written, these days, it can even get confusing with various new coined terms for the same meaning, we must always weigh all information, and find the source, the root to the words, first usage, where they came from, and their meanings, that is why even this one book IIH, is all that is needed, and that is why you will need to have at least a basic understanding, as a requirement of the hermetic terminology, and other mystical spiritual Yogic works can also assist you on your journey through magical spiritual development.

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1 review for Magical Practice Part 1 Foundation

  1. Martin Faulks

    Yes I liked your book a more personal take on things and a different feel than most people’s writings very much liked the focus on direct perception something that’s really needed well done for saying that and very modern insights into things people deal with nowadays.

    Martin Faulks
    Author Lecturer Teacher Instructor

    The Seshen School of Hermetic Meditation

  2. cyadmin

    Thank you your opinion is greatly valued 😉

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